Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So, I have been motivated lately. Motivated to be in God's word more, pray more, and to do my job better:) Sometimes I don't think my job is very glamorous, or needed. I feel a little purposeless, but that's when I loose focus. My purpose? To worship God, and point others to Christ with my life. And, in order to do that, I need to be motivated to do my "job". My job is to make our home run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, and to make others feel welcome here. I want to be like my mom:) She makes being a housewife look easy. She always stays busy, and is always doing something, and that is something I want to have in my own life. My mom has Martha Stewart beat hands down. My mom's household is the smoothest, most efficient home I know of. And she accomplishes it by always being busy. So, here's to trying to be like my mom!

And, I would like to speculate on the Osama Bin Laden moment in history. I was disappointed in how the majority of America acted. People were rejoicing, but for the wrong reasons. People were not rejoicing, because he most likely not be going to heaven, and be damned to an eternal hell. I understand that point of view, and I also understand rejoicing for the right reasons. In the Bible, there was always rejoicing during war when there was a victory, and I think it is very sad that people thought we should not rejoice over a victory that God has given our nation. And, I also think that it is very sad that he is not spending eternity in heaven, with God, but that was his choice, and how many people did he send to hell, by killing people in mass numbers. So, even thought one soul was lost, others in the future were potentially saved, and so that is another reason to rejoice. It is foolish not to rejoice in a victory that God has given us. But that's the thing. Rejoice in the victory, not the death.

Monday, April 25, 2011


So... Easter is a great time to reflect on what all God had done in our lives. The most important thing, sending His Son to die for our sins, and then to rise again to give us eternal life. I am so grateful for that. It is the greatest blessing in my life. God has been so gracious to us, to forgive us, guide us, and love us no matter what.

We also had a great time at my sister-in-laws house, celebrating Easter, and our niece Justine's birthday! I love being around family whenever possible, and seeing nieces and nephews enjoy the fun at the pool, and the egg hunt! I am so glad to be able to be around little guys that enjoy the festivities of the day! That being said, we missed all of the family that we didn't get to see.

We recently celebrated our second anniversary! Yeah us! It has been the best 2 years of my life. God blessed me with the best guy ever. He still takes my breath away!

Oh yes, and our little puppy that is not so little anymore. She has started sleeping in our room at night, without being in her kennel! She is getting so mature:) Yeah right. Sometimes in the middle of the night, she will jump on the bed, and land already laying down. I think she figures if she is laying down, we will not make her get off. But, she is always wrong! I DO NOT tolerate our dog on the furniture.

And Tyrell, well, we are still enjoying having him live with us! He got a job at Bass Pro, and we are so proud of him! It is fun seeing him shape his life, and learn who he is on his own. We have had a lot of fun getting to know his girlfriend, and his friends!

And our house is coming along quite nicely! It is still not finished, but it is getting closer! I'm not sure if you're ever done working on a house:)

My father-in-law is retiring this week! That must be an awesome feeling! We are so happy for him! We can't wait for his surprise retirement party this weekend! Should be lots of fun!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Since my last post, my younger brother has moved in with us! He has been a very fun addition to our home, and he came at just the right time! Todd has been working some serious overtime for 8 months now, and it can be very lonely. I'm sure I will be lonely again when he gets a different job.

And Roxie, she is trouble as usual. She has developed a nack for eating unknown objects, and blocking her "passage way" so to speak. Apparently it is very common for labs to do this. She has been better behaved lately, and I am thankful for that! We go on lots of walks, and she is always excited to go! We have a little bell by the back door, and she has learned to ring it when she wants to go outside! Everyone is very impressed by this, including Todd and I!

I am excited for Spring! It means next winter is closer! I love the winter, and hate the heat, so I can't wait for it! Spring is just a cheery time of year. It motivates me to be more, and live more. To do the things I've been putting off.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So, Todd, Roxie and I decided to start a blog. Actually, just I decided to start a blog. I would've started one sooner, except I always had the opinion that blogs were for women with lots of children. I am a woman, but I don't have lots of children, so I thought I would not be pressured into it, but here I am. And, all the cool people I know have blogs, and some of them don't have children either, so I'm not alone.

So, my life recently consists of making lots of trips to The Home Depot and other home improvement stores and warehouses, and helping Todd with our house. It is a huge project we took on, and it may be forever before we finish it how we want it, but we like this kind of thing. It has come a long way, and there's a sense of accomplishment in knowing you did it yourself. Actually, Todd did it himself, with some assistance from his dad and I. Mainly his dad. I have been here every step of the way, but I don't think that stepping on a freshly laid tile, falling off the step ladder, and random non-helpful things like that are assisting. They always make me feel helpful though.

We've recently upgraded our family from just TNT, to TNT + Roxie, our puppy. She half lab, half border collie. Todd wonders if she's mental. She's not though, she's just 100% puppy. Her favorite form of play consists of biting humans. I'm not a big fan of that. She also likes running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (which really happens, I know from experience). She runs in circles, running into random objects, running up and down the hall, and then running through the living room, jumping onto the coffee table, and sliding across, like it's a doggie slide. I'm not a big fan of that either. It's not like I allow it, it just happens. I have trained her some things, and she is smarter than she appears. She is super cute even though she's super hyper.

Well, I'm going to get something else done besides blogging about a life I had to pause to blog about.